Monday, March 5, 2012

This weeks AO group home visit

   As I have explained previously the Agent Orange group home is like day care for kids who have developmental challenges due to the effects of dioxon.  We spend 2 hours one morning a week there to give the kids something different to do.  It also gives the staff there a break.  This particular day we had coloring and stickers planned.  The kids had the most fun with the part we did not plan......paper airplanes.   Do you believe it, I am in Da Nang again working on airplanes.......paper airplanes!   I have never been in a classroom setting where it was okay or encouraged to make and throw around paper airplanes.  Those kids had me being a kid again!
                                 Doing their exercises as we arrived.

        They took to Bernie right away, leading her into the classroom.  Ba is the Vietnamese word for grandmother,  Bernie loves it.  We began with coloring, then Bernie broke out the 10 packages of stickers she brought along.  They put stickers everywhere, but mostly on themselves.....imagine; complete innocence with a smiley sticker between her eyes....priceless.
                                 Some of their handiwork.

                                 Airplane collector.

                                 Airplane director.

                                 Airplane projector.
    Bernie could not resist making a video of me playing with the kids and the paper airplanes.  I was completely drawn if by the kids and their unabashed giggles as we spent at least half an hour tossing around paper airplanes.  Weeeeeee was heard all over the room, or a whistle during the launch cycle.

    If you enjoy this entry even half as much as I enjoyed my time with the kids this morning you will giggle too.  This has come to be a very cool part of each "normal" week here.  Well after all it is paradox in paradise, come join vacation visit beautiful Viet Nam
Hen gap lai

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